Akyurek Smart Search

Belt Conveyors

Belt Conveyors

Product Code: T.BELT-023

Akyurek Group Technology specializes in crafting a diverse range of conveyor belt systems tailored for both indoor and outdoor environments, catering to the transportation needs of bulk or boxed goods.

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+90 530 342 45 01



These Belt Conveyors are engineered for multifunctional purposes, efficiently transporting a variety of materials such as bulk seeds, fruits, boxes, wood, sand, and coal, among others, from one location to another. Whether the requirement is for vertical or inclined movement, these systems are capable of covering distances from 0.50 meters to over 60 meters, with capacities ranging from 100kg to more than 50 tons per hour. Additionally, they are designed to accommodate either single discharge or multiple discharge points, making them highly adaptable for various operational setups.


Akyurek Group Technology meticulously designs and constructs belt conveyor systems of all sizes and capacities to meet a wide spectrum of needs across various industries including Food Processing, Recycling, Agriculture, Mining, Package Handling, and Forest Products. Each system is engineered with precision to ensure reliability and efficiency in meeting the specific demands of these sectors.

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Akyürek Group; It exports to 95 countries in 4 continents. It is among Turkey's largest turnkey plant and machinery manufacturers.


Akyurek Group applies the country's standard warranty procedures for all our machinery equipment and spare parts.
Belt Conveyors You can contact Akyürek Gorup After Sales Team for your installation, assembly, spare parts under warranty and all your needs after warranty.
Belt Conveyors You can ask all the questions you are curious about all our products by contacting our sales team.